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Please enter your details - this is needed to match to your record

Student Reference Number (Found in your Email)
First Name
Date Of Birth
Have you been a permanent legal resident in the UK for the previous 3 years (other than only for educational purposes)?

Are you currently studying with another learning provider

What is your country of residence?

Are you currently in care (e.g in foster care, under a supervision order or in residence at a children's home)?

Looked After

Please tick if you are in care (16-18), an unaccompanied asylum seeker or previously care experienced (e.g. in foster care, supported lodgings, residential care, special guardianship, in receipt of leaving care services or adopted)

Are you a care leaver?

Care Leaver

Please tick if you are a Recent Care Leaver (18-25), an unaccompanied asylum seeker or previously care experienced (e.g. in foster care, supported lodgings, residential care, special guardianship, in receipt of leaving care services or adopted)

Are you a carer (with responsibility to care for someone else)?

You're a young carer if you help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem

Young Carer
Previous school, College or HE institution

Parent/Carer & Emergency Contacts

Please provide the details of someone we can contact in the case of an emergency. This should be your next of kin. It must be your parent/guardian if you are under 18 years old. This should be someone local to the college.

Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Emergency Contact mobile number
Emergency Contact Home Phone number

Please enter with no spaces

Emergency Contact Email Address

Evidence - Results Slip

Please enclose copies of Results slip/Certificate(s) - For all your Exams

Maximum File Size 4MB - Only JPG, JPEG, GIF, PDF allowed

Type of Evidence
Upload File

Type of Evidence Notes Attachment Remove
No attachments uploaded yet


We will need you to provide a photograph in order to ensure the safety and security of everyone at the College and we’ll keep this photo with your student record for 6 years after your course ends.

4MB Maximum file size, only jpg, png, jpeg and gif files are accepted

Click 'preview' to view a preview of your photo - if you are happy then click 'Upload' below the photo, otherwise you can cancel and upload another

Please ensure your photo is oriented the correct way round


Contact Us Tel: 01229 825 017 (Channelside Campus)
Tel: 01229 828 377 (Barrow Sixth Form College)
Business Support Tel: 01229 844 836
Of Course You Can!